Our Limited Lifetime Guarantee


Asobu bottles are covered under our limited lifetime warranty. 

What is covered under our lifetime warranty:

  • Defective insulation (not keeping things cold or hot)

  • Rust

What is covered under our 30-day guarantee:

  • If your paint is chipping within 30 days and is not the result of improper use or care, we may replace the product on a case-by-case basis

  • If the lid or any of the gaskets are defective or broken

  • If your product is dented or damaged upon arrival

  • If your product does not sit properly due to a problem with the bottom rubber pad

What is not covered under our policies:

  • Paint damage due to improper care, usage, and time

  • All products with a painted finish should be treated with care

  • Dropped/dented products

  • Any other physical damage

  • Lost products or parts

  • Damaged outside packaging

  • Discontinued products

  • Broken Glass

Please note: Putting your products in the freezer and/or dishwasher voids the warranty.

  • After 30 days we do not warranty any accessory items (lids, adapters, gaskets, handles) that begin to wear from normal usage. We offer some replacement parts for items purchase on our online store or from an authorized retailer. If the product is purchased from an authorized retailer other than our website a proof of purchase will be required. Items purchased by unauthorized retailers are not covered by our warranty.

This warranty is void for custom products as well as if the product is used for commercial purposes or damaged when being used in a nonstandard matter. Our Warranty is for product replacement and does not warrant any refund. Asobu’ s obligation in the event of a defective product is to repair or replace the defective part or product with a comparable part or product at our discretion.  Damage resulting from normal wear and tear is not covered. Damage from improper use is not covered. Damage to paint is not covered. Our warranty covers the functionality of the product.



      How to File a Warranty Claim

      When your claim meets the above conditions Asobu will replace the product. To file the claim email info@asobubottle.com with the following information

      • First and last name

      • Email address

      • Phone number

      • Product you are filing a claim for

      • Reason for claim and proof of damage

      • Date of purchase

      • Copy of receipt if purchased anywhere other than our website

      • Mailing address




      For the lifetime of your product


      Hassle free product returns


      On all orders over $50 in USA