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Asobu's Line of PuramicTM items eliminates any metal taste from your beverage with zero flavor transfer from our ceramic lined coating.

Stainless Steel + Puramic™

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The Puramic™ coating is there to enhance our already food grade safe Stainless-Steel bottles

All our products are made from the safest materials the Puramic™ is created from natural silica – Same material that is used to create ceramic and glass.

The Puramic֭™ coats the stainless steel and provides that neutral barrier that glass would provide ensuring the purity of the taste of the beverage

Traditional Choices

The preferred at home coffee mug has always been the traditional Glass or Ceramic as those unlike Plastic and Stainless Steel do not impart or absorb flavor.

Travel mugs though are preferred in Stainless Steel as they can be vacuum insulated and retain temperature

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Juice Traditionally Stored in Glass


Juice is traditionally stored in a glass bottle as glass has a non absorbing surface and specifically for citrus fruits that absorbs flavor quickly the glass bottle has been the go to choice.

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Glass Bottles for Cold Water

Juice is traditionally stored in a glass bottle as glass has a non absorbing surface and specifically for citrus fruits that absorbs flavor quickly the glass bottle has been the go to choice.

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Customer Reviews

Ceramic / Glass    vs    Stainless Steel

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Developing the Line

Our Product

Competitive Research

Noticing the reviews from customers regarding the Puramic Coffee Mug and traditional stainless-steel bottles along with why customers would choose to go with glass bottles the Puramic™ Line was born

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Combining The Ideals

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Table header 0Ceramic / Glass Stainless Steel
Taste & Purityhighlow
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The Perfect Solution

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Puramic™ for Coffee
Travel Mugs & Water Bottles

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